Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Creating Something New

Welcome to my new blog!  This is a new thing for me, but I am excited to begin.  For some time now I have been frustrated by the limitations of Facebook.  I've wanted more space for expressing myself, and I am hoping this will be my venue.  I simply love to write and look forward to sharing my thoughts, musings, feelings, and opinions. (And also photos if I can figure out how to post them!)

I am calling this "My View(s) FromThe Bird's Nest" because of my 9th floor view from our condominium in Portland, Oregon.  Our 180 degree floor- to-ceiling windows give us the perspective of looking out at the world with a bird's eye view from our "cozy nest".

Hope to share more in my next post.


  1. Hi Julie,
    Welcome to the "Blog-o-sphere". :) If this first post is an indication of things to come, I'll be following you with great anticipation and intend to invite my blogging buddies to take a look.

  2. Gary, Thanks for your encouragement and help getting this going
