Friday, September 11, 2015

The Marvelous Tale of Merv

And this is the marvelous tale of our friend Merv:

Our 75 year old friend Merv is an unassuming, regular kind of guy.  A loyal friend to our family, and mentor to hundreds of newly minted, young attorneys, Merv has never aspired to making waves. Instead, he nurtures friendships, and continues to be a cheerleader and advisor to many. No one argued to the contrary when his personality was once characterized by his friend my husband, as "casper milk toast." His smiling, low-key countenance, slight build and short stature belie his robust attitude, his well-hidden will power and a constitution that reflects his Scandinavian-Viking heritage. This Spring, Merv proved to those who thought of him as just another nice guy, that they were wrong, wrong! This is one tough dude!

On April 14, 2015, Merv (and his 75 years of aches and pains) embarked with his 43 year old son, Kari, (pronounced Car-ee) on a 71 day, 4,200 mile cross-America bicycle journey from Yorktown, Virginia, to Astoria, Oregon.  Admittedly, over the years Merv and Kari have done some challenging things. Their biking adventures have usually amounted to merely 3 day, 300 mile trips, but nothing of this ride's length and magnitude. Also, over the years together Merv and Kari have managed to take on a few marathon courses, a mountain climb or two, and the occasional iron man competition. So they have a history of managing some rather large physical and mental challenges. This adventure, however, amounted to "The Challenge" of a lifetime, and was also the fulfillment of a father/son dream. Kari says they have been wishing and hoping for this trip since he was 10 years old.

Kari's notes on planning the trip, refer to Prof. Randy Pausch, whose best selling book, The Last Lecture speaks to the importance of fulfilling childhood dreams. While considering his Dad's recent decline in health, and facing some life transitions of his own, Kari unflinchingly made the decision to take on the mega-challenges of this long-time dream of theirs and making it a reality, "Now!"

The goals were simple: to spend what turned out to be 71 straight days together, (who knows if they will ever be able to spend that kind of time together again); to make it safely from coastal Virginia to coastal Oregon; and, to come to a greater appreciation of this land and the diversity of the American people.

The 4,200 mile bike journey they took followed the Transamerica Cycling Route established in 1976 to celebrate the United States Bicentennial. The intrepid bikers braved sore and aching bodies, heat, rain, grueling ascents, and hair raising descents. They slept in campgrounds, bike hostels, parks, churches, private homes, and hotels. They endured flat tires, lopsided loads, wild animals both dead and alive, performed compression on a heart attack victim, and have supplied very few details on Kari's 30 minute ordeal in a port-o-potty. I am also sure that gluten free Merv found himself challenged to find food at many a road-side diner. Their story could most likely fill a book --- which I believe is currently percolating in Kari's wonderful and creative mind.

As they ticked off the last miles of their journey in June, and approached the Oregon border, we had a cell phone call from them, inviting us to celebrate the completion of their epic journey as they rode into Astoria.  Due to our own issues with my husband's recent surgery, we were unable to join them, but celebrated "in spirit" with a champagne toast to their extraordinary accomplishment.

Seventy five year old Merv, still recovering, spent some time with us last week and looked noticeably lighter and a bit stiff. He admitted to losing some10 to 13 pounds on the 4,000 plus mile bike ride.( I doubt I'll be going on his diet anytime soon) Since his return, he sold his home and moved into a senior living facility. His active life will surely continue, but is turning in new directions. Merv, we celebrate you and your most recent and magnanimous accomplishment. Congratulations and "way to go!"  You and Kari have made your longtime dream come true.

And Merv, take it from me, this is truly a marvelous tale to tell!

Information on the Transamerica Cycling Trail:

Photos by Kari Loya on Instagram: @transamwithmerv