Tuesday, May 5, 2015

What is in my Heart: Thanks!

It has been a struggle with what to say as a final tribute to my Mother, that powerful, tough spirit, that strong will, that smart, beautiful, talented woman.  I wrote page after page, and finally decided none of it was working for me.

Yesterday, when I told my husband that nothing I was writing captured my Mom and my profound feelings and emotions at this final loss, he said to me, “share what is in your heart.”  So, I threw it all out and began again. 

And this, family and friends, is what is in my heart:

Thank you all.  Thank you for being here.  Thank you for your support.  Thank you to those of you who have patiently listened to me, cried with me, and talked me through some really hard times.  Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience with me, and thank you for giving me the strength to endure these many, many difficult years. 

Thank you to two special  boys, my grandsons, for bringing new life, new hope, new joy, and new love into my heart.  You are dear to me and so wonderful! 

Thank you to my Mother’s care-givers.  What Mom's family lacked in ability and patience, you provided in bucket loads.  You fed her and made sure she was nourished, kept her clean, kept her busy and made sure she was challenged and entertained.  And in the end, after so many years, you became her family too.  My sister and I cannot thank you enough.

It is because of all of you, propping me up and giving me strength, that I have been able to make it through these many, many challenging years. I am grateful to each of you.  Without you, I don't see how I could face the awfulness that is disease called Alzheimer's.